Large digital platforms control the value chains of personal data and govern the data economy as we know it today. What alternatives could there be? Should the data economy rather be based on rights on data or data ownership, collective or individual rights? Different models for governing the data economy are being developed where, instead of platforms, the main actors would be either markets, state, communities or trusted third parties. What are the pros and possible pitfalls of each of these models? And how to translate these new data rights concepts into a narrative that people and policy makers at different levels of data literacy can understand?
Goal of the session is to offer good base for participants to reflect on different governance models for the data economy and tools to turn these difficult discussions in understandable narratives.
Presentations in this session:
– Opening the session // Sarah Medjek
– Models for the governance of data economics // Ingrid Schneider, University of Hamburg
– Exploring the narrative of rights and ownership // Anna Scott, Open Data Institute
Presenters and host: