Matthias De Bièvre is on a mission to bring knowledge and harmony in the use of personal data.
He began his career at ETALAB, the Open Data Division of the French state. He understands the need for data to circulate in an ethical and user centric manner to maximise the benefits to society, innovation and scientific progress.
He then founded Visions and has been working with the education and health sector in Europe to unlock the potential of data with privacy minded technology.
He has organized several events to spread good privacy practices. Most recently, he led an initiative with more than 50 organizations from 14 European countries to share best practices in a “White Book”. The White Book was presented at the French Parliament and now serves as the basis for the construction of a standards body focused on privacy protection and data portability.
He teaches a Master’s degree on Data Ethics at the Université Cergy-Pontoise.
He is passionate about discovering new approaches to innovation and privacy and truly believes in collaboration and transparency to foster change.