Why My-AI?



Sari Stenfors


Hall G


14:00 - 15:45 Opening Day






Why is MyData essential to artificial intelligence?

Data is the fuel that AI runs on. The quality and accessibility to data affects the results of AI. But how is AI using your personal data? In what ways could AI promote equality, democracy, sustainability and your well-being? If you are part of an AI project or if you are just interested in AI, come to this session.

This is an interactive session about the relevance of MyData to current ground-breaking AI questions. In addition, we will create a map of the AI projects within our community and hear short introduction to two AI projects from Helsinki City and My-AI.io. In this session, you are welcomed to our MyAI community and to take part in shaping the future of AI.


  • Meeting all session participants
  • Presentation and group work on the relevance of MyData to the most important questions in AI right now.
  • Intro to two AI projects in our community: Helsinki City and My-AI.io
  • Mapping different AI projects in our community
  • Call to Action: Building a support network to MyData AI projects

Presenters and host: