Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts

Forum Virium Helsinki, Director, IoT

Forum Virium Helsinki’s IoT programme kicked off in January 2017. We aim for data-enabled smart cities where data, whether open, closed or mydata, can create value for both individuals and society. To achieve this, we collaborate with the city, companies, the scientific community and residents. We bring ease to using the city as a platform through data, APIs, open source code, funding and support.

Previously I have worked as a development manager in Forum Virium Helsinki, running a smaller team focusing on open data and data-driven business. My work history consists of working on everything digital since 2000, providing me with extensive experience in developing digital services – both for the private and public sector. I first got my hands dirty with data in 2009



Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts can be seen in:

Cities Implementing MyData Hall G
10:00-11:15 Opening Day
Cities Roadmap for MyData Hall G
11:45-13:00 Opening Day